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Women's Empowerment Series

Our Women’s Empowerment Series focuses on women
rediscovering themselves and reconnecting with their ability to lead positive  
change in their lives.


We work with organisations, community centres and therapists that are helping women move forward in their lives by facilitating a building-block life skills development series that is designed to assist women on their journeys, by empowering them to move forward with confidence and feel safe as they work on leading positive change in their own lives. 

Women  Learning to Lead with courage

This 8-12 week self leadership and empowerment program provides direction for the women in your groups who are rebuilding their lives from trauma, grief, abuse, sexual exploitation, depression, attempted suicide, jail, homelessness or violence in the workplace. This program is for women who are ready to move forward and create tangible and empowered shifts in their lives.

This program is also offered to women on the spectrum to build interpersonal and social skills.

Horses have a profound effect on people. Aside from them stepping into a wise teacher role as part of our programs, we have experienced witnessing psychological shifts take place just from people simply being in the space and energy of horses. There are a number of therapeutic benefits from working with horses.


The subtle healing or shifts that takes place within one’s self is heightened and solidified by combining the interaction with our horses with the objective-driven exercises in our skills development program. The program facilitates the learning of how to take empowered action through trying new behaviours, raising self-awareness, and connecting women back to their authentic selves, in a safe and non-judgemental space.


Horses live in the moment which offers us a powerful insight to how to bring ourselves back to existing “in the now”. They respond to our true selves and offer women the opportunity to identify interpersonal dynamics and reveal every woman’s hidden talents and potential growing points.


1.  Building Relationships        

2.  Skills Development

3.  Communication

4.  Listening and Articulation

5.  Problem Solving

6.  Focus

7.  Negotiation                       

8.  Trust

9.  Choices

10.  Leadership

11.  Body Language

12.  Team Building

Horses are always honest and they cannot judge, which makes them the strong and noble teachers that they are. They work hard to encourage growth and expansion toward a new level where we can feel confident and competent in ourselves and in our abilities and have the tools to self-lead ourselves through the challenging times. As women, we are constantly in fear of being judged, especially when we are moving through undesirable circumstances.  Horses are incapable of judgement.  What a unique thought; to go to a place where judgement does not exist and we can just be ourselves, in our true state.


Experiential learning provides the medium for insights, ah-ha moments and lessons learned, to be retained. Women have the opportunity to immerse themselves closely with nature out in the fresh air, with one of the most majestic animals as their teacher and guide. Horses create a unique memory that causes the attendee to remember the training far longer than sitting in ‘just-another classroom’. Each woman will gain empowerment through group exercises that focus on individual qualities and at the same time, they will have some extreme fun and life-changing moments.

One of the many bonuses of working with horses as opposed to a classroom setting is the component of interactivity. Although we learn in different ways, we all take away lessons that we learn through our experiences. Every learning style; visual, auditory and kinaesthetic, has been taken into account in the development of this course so that all clients are learning in the best way possible for THEM. 

Our interactive women's group programs are specifically designed to ensure the learning and retention of necessary life skills to aid in each woman’s personal growth and journey. By working with their teachers, women will develop a sense of re-claiming their life back by building strong and solid skills that they can draw upon when they are faced with choices in everyday life. The building block structure of our 8-12-week program is designed to build a new skill each week, while simultaneously working on all skills they are learning over the entirety of the program. By hitting these objectives and utilising their growing skills each week, we ensure that the desired outcomes are reached. The program objectives include;





All skills learned in the arena are paralleled back to women's everyday lives, ensuring that the learned skills are transferred to how they deal with people, choices and the world around them. Jess and her team of horses provide a very safe and non-judgemental space for women to come and learn and grow their mental, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. 

Women's Leadership

Each woman will learn:

  • that internal dialogue needs to match external actions

  • that looking back stops movement forward

  • how to develop healthy relationships

  • how to accept responsibility and accountability

  • how to overcome barriers to find change

  • that it takes courage to make the changes the horse is telling them

  • how to be creative and innovative

  • how to find opportunity in working together

  • how to develop their decision making skills

  • how to take appropriate risks to get out of their comfort zone

  • how to develop patience to take it one step at a time

  • the importance of communicating their vision with direction

  • how to find the leader within themselves

  • how to realise the benefits associated with effective communication

  • the value of mutual trust, respect, and personal integrity...All while having a blast!

Please see our FAQ for further information.


Please contact us today to discuss registering your women’s group.

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